I'm blessed to be returning to Patzun this summer. I'm the only one from St. Mark going this time, and I hope we can keep the mission program going in the future.
Jean Meehan (who has been on several Patzun trips with Fr. Tim and folks from St. Mark) and her husband John are leading a group from their parish, St. Joseph Catholic Church in Arlington. They asked me if I wanted to go with them, since they know I can only go during the summer. We'll be providing basic medical services in the villages around Patzun, and taking a load of school supplies and warm clothing to Madre to distribute to the children. We've been through formation training by the Maryknoll Mission Education Team, and are ready to do God's work with the lovely people of the western highlands.
We also have to pay to check a second bag, but $25 to us is nothing, considering most of the people we'll see make $2-$3 a day. It's worth it to take needed supplies to them.
We're all trying to sneak some over the counter meds in "for personal use." If somebody in Guatemala Customs does the math they'll think it odd that we've got Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Acetaminophen, and vitamins in 500 tab bottles for a one week trip. I may have to limp and hold my head as I go through immigration! We're all carrying large amounts of basics that we plan to leave there--assuming we get them through customs OK. (I'm hoping a little fib for the greater good doesn't mean too many days in Purgatory.)
People always ask why we don't just ship stuff to Patzun. Simply put: It wouldn't get there. In developing countries infrastructure for mail delivery and shipping is poor at best--and usually nonexistent--and many pieces of mail are simply not delivered.
Another thing that has changed is the violence. National elections in Guatemala are September 11, and it seems there's an assassination, or attempted assassination nearly every day. So far they've all been targeted toward candidates and their supporters, so we still feel safe going down now. There haven't yet been any random attacks on tourists or missionaries, and we're praying that continues.
We'll be arriving in Guatemala City Friday night and staying in a hotel, because it's not safe to be on the road to Patzun after dark. Apparently bandits patrol that road at night. Saturday morning we'll get the medicines that Jean and Dr. Meehan ordered from a local pharmacy, pick up a few essentials at the local Hyper Pais store, and drive to Patzun. After that, the schedule is up to Madre, the weather, and the Holy Spirit.
If I can get an internet signal I'll update this blog while I'm there, but if not, look for pictures and a trip summary upon our return.
Please keep us, the Carmelite sisters and the Guatemalan people in your prayers as we embark on this journey.
Your Sister in Christ, Samra
Blessed are the poor, theirs is the kingdom of God. Luke 6:20-23
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